Privacy policy

The English version is for information purposes only. The German text is legally binding.

Responsible person in terms of data protection laws, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

(hereinafter: “responsible person” or “I”).

Mark Bludszuweit · Engineering Office for Plant and Machine Physics
Dorfstraße 21a · 18059 Pölchow · Germany

Tel: +49 17 88 15 10 70

Data security

Data security on the Internet involves risks. I cannot guarantee one hundred percent security for the information transmitted in electronic data traffic. An encryption programme should be used when sending confidential information. If necessary, you should consult with me. I protect your personal data and take the greatest possible precautions for the security of your data. I treat your data responsibly and in accordance with the provisions of data protection law. I collect, store and process your data only insofar as this is necessary for the processing of enquiries or orders. Beyond that, I only use your data if you have expressly consented to this.


Cookies are used on my website. Cookies are files that are stored on your terminal device when you visit my website. I use cookies to make it easier for you to use my website (e.g. by recognising you when you visit my website again and not having to re-enter any data) and for statistical purposes, which help me to continually improve the website. The data processed by the cookies are necessary for the above purposes to protect my legitimate interests as well as the legitimate interests of third parties according to Art. 6, GDPR.

Most of the temporary cookies I use are automatically deleted from your end device after you have finished using my website or when you close the browser. Other cookies remain on your computer system and enable me to recognise your computer system on your next visit (so-called permanent cookies).

Most browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can configure your browser in the settings so that no cookies are stored on your computer or a notice always appears before a new cookie is created or install a cookie blocker as a browser add-on, e.g. Ghostery. However, completely deactivating cookies may mean that you cannot use all the functions of my website.

Use of web fonts

External fonts, Google Fonts, are used on this website. Google Fonts is a service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). These web fonts are integrated locally. They are not accessed via the Google web server.

Purposes of data processing by the controller and third parties

I process your personal data only for the purposes stated in this privacy policy. Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties for purposes other than those stated. We will only share your personal data with third parties if:

  • you have given your express consent to do so,
  • the processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation,
  • the processing is necessary to respond to your enquiry,
  • processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you,
  • the processing is necessary to protect legitimate interests and there is no reason to assume that you have an overriding legitimate interest in not disclosing your data.

If you have given us consent, you can revoke this at any time with effect for the future.

You can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority responsible for you at any time. Your competent supervisory authority depends on the federal state of your residence, your work or the alleged violation. A list of supervisory authorities with address (for the non-public sector) can be found at:

Deletion or blocking of data

Your personal data will only be stored for as long as is necessary to provide the commissioned services or as required by law. Users’ personal data is regularly blocked or deleted after these periods have expired if it is no longer required or deletion does not conflict with a legal obligation to retain data.

You can request information about your data stored by us at any time. These can also be corrected, blocked or, if the prescribed periods of data storage for business processing have expired, deleted. Changes or revocations of consent can be made in writing or by emailing me.

Changes to the privacy policy

My privacy policy may be amended at irregular intervals to ensure that it complies with current legal requirements. The new privacy policy will then automatically apply to your next visit.

This privacy policy is currently valid and is as of 2 September 2022.

If you have any questions about data protection, please send me a message at with the subject “Data protection”.