Fields of application, experiences

Fastener Analysis Engineering Office

Fasteners can become weak points in a plant. Vibrations, temperature expansions, assembly processes and many other influences must be thought through specifically for the plant and, if necessary, tested on site.

Dynamic loads Calculation Measurement

Dynamic stresses can become major commercial burdens. In contrast to the static design of the components, the fatigue of the components is not always consistently kept in mind. Calculations and measurements must go “hand in hand” for your success.


Calculations are extremely important in my “toolbox”. Sometimes a simple Excel calculation is enough to get an understanding of the dimensions. Often, however, I have to carry out more complex calculations (FEM, CFD, …) in order to gain an understanding and be able to pass it on. I have been using ANSYS and Matlab products for over 30 years.

Process heat fatigue problems

Process heat and cooling cost a lot of money. It is always worthwhile to have a look at good flows, heat transfers and temperature distributions at any point in the process. Fatigue problems due to temperature changes increase the faster (more economical!?) you run a process.

Vibration hot spots Failure analysis

Vibrations and temperature overshoots (hot spots) are often linked in damage analysis with the topics of mass saving (lightweight construction) and more compact construction.  A deep understanding of excitations, vibration modes, resonances and damping is essential for good measurements and later design changes.

Wave forces Ice forces Calculation

The power of water is impressive. Due to my proximity to the sea, I have always had a close connection to this elemental force. The calculation of wave forces, ice forces, the motion in the waves and the effect on offshore foundation structures is a challenge and fascination at the same time.

Electrical Sensors Measurements Engineering

Electrical sensors are extremely diverse. Making the right choice here is often difficult. After all, it is not the price of a measuring device that determines the usefulness of the measurement. Often the choice of the right measuring principle and the right measuring location is of greater importance. Why is the simple stethoscope still so important for the doctor, despite the power of MRI and CT?

Accumulator simulation tools

Accumulators are often underestimated in a complex system. After all, they are what make safe and economical operation possible in the first place. Their correct use and dimensioning is a multi-faceted task. A static approach often leads to wrong conclusions. For the investigation of time schedules, the experienced use of simulation tools is often the right way to reach the goal.

Data Analysis Engineering Office

Data analysis is often discussed controversially. It can be life-saving or used for extremely base motives. My first data analysis was still stored on punched paper tape. Since then I was allowed to witness the fulminant development of an impressive technology. I use it for knowledge generation for three decades now.

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